Things you need
... or might need
Be sure you have access to the Linux machines in the iLabs on the second floor annex of Hill. You will need to use your RU ID card to access the room and can request access at For help, there are iLab Assistants in Hill 252 (The Cave).
You should be able to use other machines (e.g., PCs running Linux, some flavor of BSD, Mac OS X, or — for some or all assignments — even a Windows PC running the Windows Subsystem for Linux or Cygwin. However, if you develop your assignment on another system, you must ensure that it compiles and runs properly on an iLab Linux system. Don’t wait until the last minute to realize it doesn’t. I will not accept an excuse of “it worked on my PC and I don’t know why it doesn’t run on an iLab system.”
You will need to check Canvas announcements regularly for assignments, notice about exams/grades, and other info, like class cancelations.
I will be using several sources for this course, including:
Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems]
2nd Edition
by Ross J. Anderson
Wiley, Pub.
ISBN-10: 0470068523
ISBN-13: 978-0470068526
The text is available for free online — legally — at the author’s website at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
If you’d like to buy a dead tree version, you can get one from Amazon.
I will also make use of these texts but do not expect you to buy them:
Handbook of Applied Cryptography
Fifth Printing Edition
by Alfred J. Menezes, Jonathan Katz, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone
CRC Press; 1st edition (December 16, 1996)
ISBN-10: 9780849385230
ISBN-13: 978–0849385230
Sample chapters available for free at
Thinking Security: Stopping Next Year’s Hackers
1st edition
by Steven M. Bellovin
Addison-Wesley, Pub.
ISBN-10: 0134277546
ISBN-13: 978–0134277547
Introduction to Computer Security
1st Edition
by Matt Bishop
Addison-Wesley, Pub.
ISBN-10: 0321247442
ISBN-13: 978–0321247445
Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World
1st edition
by Bruce Schneier
Wiley, Pub.
ISBN-10: 0471453803
ISBN-13: 978–0471453802